Friday, October 10, 2008

Brylee - 1 month old!

Our lives were forever changed on August 15, 2008 when you entered this world! Here are some things that mark your first month in our lives...

We went to Nana's 3 weekends in a what better place for your 1 month photo than in your favorite swing in her backyard.

*You do what we call the "5 minute check" - you seem sound asleep and then you open both eyes to make sure you are still in the arms of whoever is holding you.

*Some names we refer to you as are Squeaker, Sissy, Little Bit, & Nana sometimes calls you Brocklee since you favor your daddy so much!

*Bath time is a fun time for you and you talk to us is neat to hear your voice as you coo and "talk" sound raspy!

*You were diagnosed with reflux at 3 weeks. The doctor put you on medicine and you are much happier now.

*You already hold your head up so well...and try to look around when propped up on my shoulder.

*Your head full of hair fools people into thinking you are older than you really are.

*Basically - I have figured out that you think you are a princess and that explains why you needed your own personal nurse in the NICU those first days of your little life!

*You are so dainty - people say you need wings because your dainty features resemble a fairy!

I'm reminded that these long days and nights make for short years, so I am taking it all in and cherishing every minute! I love you Babygirl!

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