Monday, August 18, 2008

For this child I prayed...

Welcome Brylee Rose! You have already made such a huge impression in our hearts! Nothing about the delivery - or after - was how I envisioned it all happening, but I wanted to start somewhere to chronicle her first hours of precious life...

Here I am at 10am meeting her for the first time since delivering her at 7:42am on August 15th. Brylee ingested meconium into her lungs in utero so she was whisked away by the neonatal team for treatment. The delivery was so fast (I'll save that story for a post of its own...) that with this emergency, Brock wasn't even offered a chance to cut her cord.

She was hooked up to CPAP - which forced air into her lungs - since she couldn't take deep enough breaths on her own. The thickness of the meconium that she ingested didn't allow for her to breathe on her own. She was also on IV antibiotics to treat against sepsis (infection) that meconium can cause. Bless her little was so hard seeing her like this-
But happier times awaited us...on day 2, she was moved to the NICU II unit (a less serious unit) for the rest of our hospital stay. Here she is with a face free from attachments! She still had an IV in - but that was easier to handle! I was able to visit her in the NICU and those were such sweet times to get to know my little girl.
On her 3rd day - she was released to go home with us! Thankfully - my hospital stay was extended too so I could visit her during feeding times. We all arrived home on Sunday at about 8pm and were greeted by the most proud big brother who waited ever so patiently on us since nothing happened the way we told him it would!


Lisa Mae said...

Oh, Teri! Isn't God's plan always so very different from ours? So very glad all is well for the two of you. I'm sure that was heart wrenching to see her in the NICU. I love all of the pics and I look forward to hearing your L&D story. Please know we are thinking about you all as you adjust to a family of four. Keep that chin up. Before you know she will be three months and all of those sleepless nights will be history. Love ya sister!

Heather said...

So glad our niece is here! And so grateful that she's better and not "hooked up" anymore!
Give her hugs and kisses from all of us!
Wishing you guys lived closer!

melanie said...

Your triplett quatro is absolutely perfect!! I am so very happy for you, I have tears of joy in my eyes. I look forward to the day that we can meet little miss Brylee, but for now you must keep those pictures coming. I am thinking of you often and praying for your sweet family as you all adjust to being a family of four. May God bless you all. And... I'm with Lisa, requesting your L&D story. Girl... you will step right up there with Lisa as a woman I respect and admire. (Not that I didn't already feel that way about you, but you know what I am saying.)

Anonymous said...

Hey there! Congrats! She is beautiful! I am sorry things did not go as you planned...the sweet photos of her in the NICU broke my heart.

Can't wait to hear more on the L&D too! Miss yall!